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- Does religion help you cope or hurt you in your treatment for bipolar disorder?
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Does religion help you cope or hurt you in your treatment for bipolar disorder?
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@laurie3jean Hello laurie3jean, thank you for starting this discussion. This is an interesting topic, as religion can play an important or even a changing role in our lives as we age. Let me tag some other members who can maybe weigh in and share their experience.
Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well! How has faith or religion (or an absence of either) played a role in your life with bipolar disorder? Has it had a role at all? Do you feel it has helped you or hurt you? Why or why not?
@Laurie7 @heidihildeman79 @christiesmith3568 @Danika @Paigesc17 @Melisa @Santizzle @Noah2142 @alickeys1999 @Wolfie6499 @MotherofDogs @Dingledang007 @kaleh725 @Essence32 @Salemx333
*We may all come from different backgrounds and faith or belief systems, so let's remember to be respectful as it can be quite personal!*
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 07/28/2020 at 3:58 PM
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
When I am in distress I usually arm myself with my religious jewelry. I wear a "chai" along with a masuza, and jewish star. This makes me feel safer and I often hold the necklaces for even more comfort.
Last activity on 02/10/2021 at 7:01 PM
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Religion helps me, so does reading my Bible, and prayer. Faith is a big part of my life! I get into 'moods' at time, but then I pray. Sometimes, it helps...
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I personally had a negative experience with religion growing up and my childhood traumas may have contributed to my disorder. So I avoid it. To each his own I guess.
Last activity on 12/22/2022 at 3:58 AM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
When I had bipolar disorder, faith in God was the only thing that kept me from going crazy. I prayed every day and asked God for help. Medical therapy had a temporary effect. The therapist did not give optimistic forecasts, so I was in complete despair. I continued to believe in a miracle and pray. Fortunately, my prayers were answered. I am gradually getting better and am grateful to God for the opportunity to live a happy life. Faith is what gives hope for a brighter future. I attended church often, but I don't have that opportunity now due to health reasons. That's why I listen to services online. It is an excellent alternative to going to church.
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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7 comments posted | 4 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
I have struggled with my Faith. Sometimes good old Jesus and Bible have helped me and prayer. Other times it has hurt me. Spiritually has sometimes helped me and hurt me. I have had religious delusions so its a tricky thing. I do believe in a good force up there that is always good no matter what I am going through. That has helped me through some very tough times. Now when I need to I just talk to it about anything on my mind and ask for help. If nothing else it lightens the load in my head because I believe something good up there heard it. That loves me no matter what I say. Along with medication and therapy and hobbies it brings me some peace. What has been your experience?