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Bipolar disorder and work
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 37 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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Hello @magicpamela, thank you for opening this discussion. I'm sorry to hear you've been having trouble at work. Let me tag some other members who can possibly share with you.
Hi everyone, how are you today? For those of you who currently or used to work, has your bipolar disorder ever had an impact on your work? Have you told your employer or colleagues about it? Do you have any tips balancing bipolar disorder and a career?
@byname @Praveen_veerandi @Mudfence @raj17201 @Gilbert @JudeA65 @JamieShaw @brando13 @richard6161 @Jon123 @GeoffreyDrC @ccm675 @Terryl @JDLyons63 @michaelpeterjr21 @BrunoLima
Feel free to share any advice or experiences with us here! Your advice and support is so important!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 07/08/2024 at 4:38 AM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Hi all, I am @brando13. I am currently working as a Cashier/Barista in a coffee shop in my hometown. I have lost jobs because my bipolar disorder was so out of control, and I wasn't medicated right for years. Now I feel stable. I do my best daily to keep up with things that are important to me in life. Work is a very important and therapeutic part of it. I work closely with a group of mental health professionals in a company called Valley Oaks and the name of the group who handles my case is known as The ACT Team. ACT is an acronym and stands for Assertive Community Treatment and they have been with me for half my life. I was 18 when I was sent to the program. I have a case manager I see weekly, a therapist, and a team of nurses, and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. So far I have been out of the hospital for over 3 years and have been very stable. I would say without work I would feel like I had no purpose. My hope is that what I shared can help others on here...thanks for letting me share.
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Brandon S
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Last activity on 09/28/2021 at 12:10 AM
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9 comments posted | 7 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I have struggled with work a lot these past two years. Still trying to find the right combination of meds and therapy. My boss is really understanding but I was a bartender which doesn't work for me because of the manic.. I think I can drink like everyone else does which leads me to a major depression. I quit now. Had my first inpatient care and not only was I embarrassed I can't get out of my depression. 3 weeks now. :(.
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,339 comments posted | 37 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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@brando13 Hello brando13, thanks for sharing. That's great that you've gotten the help and support you need and you're doing so well! Thanks for sharing about your ACT team, that may be a helpful resource for some of us looking for some support.
@KJSprite, thank you for sharing as well. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, it can really take some time to find the right balance of therapy and medication. You'll get there, don't give up!
Can anyone share with KJSprite what helps you get through your depresssive episodes? Or share a bit about how you balance your bipolar disorder and your career?
@Jocheri @NancyShahan @Dmaes50 @sierra2915 @Berb2005! @Ambercoble @Stroutk @dthreet @SusanEversoll @butterfly77 @Jetlag @Tescott1981 @Ruby1000 @Lornapepper @Lost1976 @Filthy13# @Anita68
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 03/07/2022 at 10:06 PM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Hello, i have struggled with keeping a job my whole life. Mostly because of absences. I don’t always feel like I could work and I haven’t worked in over a year now. I think I’m ready to go back. I lost my last job over absences as well as many others. I just dint feel like I can function in society sometimes. Its hard for me to get out of my house for the most part. I like being home too much. Its my comfort zone. Anyway, i had an interview for a job a few days ago and i should find out soon if i got it. Im crossing my fingers i get it. It will get me out of the house a little bit. Im a bit nervous but I’m just going to try. Baby steps. Thats all you could do.
Last activity on 07/14/2021 at 7:01 AM
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3 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
I held quite a few good jobs, and then husband fell I'll and died and itsvbeen 6 years and I can't imagine going to work. But for over 30 years I did it and did it well.
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Last activity on 01/19/2025 at 1:12 PM
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26 comments posted | 7 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I've been on disability for over 13 years now because of my bipolar illness and other factors in my life. I'm to the point where my meds work and then stop working so they are changed. I talk to my therapist once a week and that is the one constantly good thing going on in my life right now. I recently had an unexpected death in the family and any and all progress I have made feels as if I have been set back to zero. I know I am blabbing on not talking in a more coherent manner, but this is what the power, for some, this illness can have on a person. I begin to feel worthless every day that I am going to continue this pattern and never give back to or go back into, society. I guess the whole reason I am writing today is just to get some of my thoughts out there, on "paper" and see if anyone else feels the same way about bipolar being a beast of mental illness. That's all I have right now. Thank you for taking the time to read the babble of words. Not even sure if it is on topic.
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Thom Escott
Last activity on 08/11/2021 at 1:50 PM
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Hey everyone, I'm new here and this is the first time I'm writing in a discussion forum. I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder and severe anxiety. I've tried to work a steady job, since I was 15 years old. I'm now, 37 years old. I start out usually, if I like the job and people I work with, but then I get either bored or have to miss too many days or have to quit for personal reasons, like not having a babysitter or having too many things to take care of outside of work and have to take too many days off, so I'll just quit instead of waiting to be fired. I've suffered from bipolar disorder for as long as I can remember and I still haven't found the right medication and treatment to manage my mental health issues correctly. I want to work but I know I won't keep it longer than a few months before I get bored and lose interest or something comes up and I have to quit. I know I should apply for disability to help my husband financially, but I'd rather work because I'd make more money. Plus, I would love to be able to hold a steady job for longer than a few months and enjoy. I guess I still have hope that I'll eventually find the right medication for me. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to hold a steady long term job even with medication because their may not be anything the doctors can give me that'll help my (work ethic issues.) I guess maybe my problem with work is that I like repitition only for a short time before I'm read to try something else. I get bored with doing the same thing everyday.
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Last activity on 01/19/2025 at 1:12 PM
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Thom Escott
Last activity on 01/06/2025 at 1:30 PM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
I would tell him that you have a disability recognized by the Labor Dept. He is trying to bully/scare you. Do NOT allow him to do that. Also, don't quit. Make him fire you for unemployment reasons. If he asks you what your disability is then respectfully tell him either it's none of his business since that's your personal medical info or just say it's personal. The employee has more rights than they know.
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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Last activity on 06/08/2023 at 12:41 PM
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15 comments posted | 15 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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Hi, I've been having a hard time at work lately and I'm afraid I'm going to get fired. I had to take off work a few days recently because I was having a depressive episode and my boss was really not happy about it. Has anyone else been through this? I don't really know what to do