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How does your bipolar disorder affect your job / career? or vice-versa?
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Last activity on 10/10/2023 at 10:27 AM
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19 comments posted | 15 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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Hi @Lee__R I have bipolar disorder and I do not work full time. I work part-time. My diagnosis definitely affects my ability to work and that is why I do not work full time. If I feel like doing work beyond my part time job, I will volunteer at local charities. It makes me feel better.
I am lucky to have a job I can do from home... I help manage various social media sites. This allows me to also have flexible hours when I am having difficulty. Before this job, I would wend up quitting jobs often.
Last activity on 05/06/2020 at 6:57 AM
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
while I was working in office, that was really hard for me. In the periods of depression and apathy I couldn't concentrate and couldn't do anything useful, I just felt myself awful and all the days long I just drank tea and tried not to fall asleep right in the workplace. But all the other time I'm the most effective employee. Now I'm working from home and no one knows(I mean coworkers) that some work days I even can't get out of bed and spend all my time eating salads and dreaming this apathy ends.
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Last activity on 06/08/2023 at 12:41 PM
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15 comments posted | 15 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I've been able to hold up pretty well with work. It can be really challenging during a depressive episode, especially in terms of energy. I was lucky in that I didn't have an episode during the time I was working from home, because that would have been really hard. @Satkanchik are you feeling better?
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Last activity on 03/07/2021 at 6:34 PM
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10 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I recently had to leave a great paying job with benefits because of my disorder. I can’t manage my episodes enough with just medications anymore and I couldn’t do my job effectively anymore either. I’m really feeling lost right now with little purpose in life. I have all the things to make a great life like a husband three beautiful kids a home etc but I feel like I’m on a vicious cycle that I can’t get out of. Anyone else feel this way or just me.
Last activity on 10/29/2020 at 5:23 PM
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
@Jayjenwalter hi you are not alone on how u feel. I feel like that all the time. It's hard to put on a smile or do everyday tasks. I try to go for small walks to clear my head. Know body understand what depression is. Unless u have it . It is truly devastating. For your mind and body. It scares me alot because there are times when I can't get out of bed. Lost a lot of work due to depression. Have u tried talking to a professional it helps. Hope u get feeling better. Talk to u later. Jeannie
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Last activity on 03/07/2021 at 6:34 PM
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10 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I couldn’t have described it any better @Jeannie1. I need to find something to clear my head cuz I stay in it a lot and when I’m not I’m sleeping which neither are good for me. I know the things I need it’s just that task of doing it that seems like such an uphill battle
Last activity on 10/29/2020 at 5:23 PM
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Yes it is a uphill battle. Some times I can't even get out of bed. My body hurts so much. My mind races to the stuff I want to do. But my body doesn't want to. Thank God I have a job that understand. I am also on FMLA. I don't get paid but at least it saved my job. I am going to the a doctor who specializes in depression. Sometimes I lesson to music that helps. I have to go and talk to a therapist my doctor said that might help to. Thank u for writing back. Jeannie
Last activity on 12/13/2020 at 6:52 AM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
You are not alone I have always had a problem holding a job all my life. I try so hard to focus and not slip into depressive/bipolar mode. I never really know what to expect and it's irritating!
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Last activity on 03/16/2022 at 9:03 AM
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22 comments posted | 11 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I am bipolar. I can't work because of a mix of PTSD, Social anxiety, bi.polat and some psychotic features. I take loads of meds and they are adjusting my meds for the first time in 13 years. I'm at a complete standstill. I lost my mom in 2019 my brother in law 5days earlier and this year my husband of 30 years. I feel like I'm falling down a well and there is no enf. My dad is very ill and I try to help him as much as possible but my sister does most of it. I feel so alone sometimes...like no one understand how grief and my illnesses are bringing my down.
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Mary K Rhea
Last activity on 04/11/2022 at 2:12 PM
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8 comments posted | 6 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
I am working for mhmr a major mental health company as a peer helping people like us deal cope move forward. It gives me a purpose. I never thought I could hold this kind of job. My co workers and boss understand and can see the swings before I realize some times and will just let me talk or just be. Ys I miss work with the depression and can't get out of bed. I have to just push self talk and lists of what has to be done and lost of what I did get done. Keep trying its ok you will be ok.
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J Maurice
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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@Classycathy Absolutely! Try the cannabis pens. The come in Sativa (energetic high), Indica (a mellow and relaxing high) or blends. You can read on the box to see what the strain type is so you don’t grab the wrong one. I use Indica during my manic episodes. While it doesn’t completely rid me of the mania, but it definitely helps and gives me some relief. I believe you can buy them online. Our friends usually have them on hand so we get ours that way. Good luck!🍀
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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1,337 comments posted | 6 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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The stress, project dates, unexpected meetings, constant changes, and delaing with various personalities are not easy things to manage and cope with for any person, but living with bipolar disorder can make doing so more challenging.
How has a bipolar disorder diagnosis affected your job and career?
And/or how has your job and career affected your bipolar disorder?
Did you have to make any changes to your job?