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- What was your age and what initial symptoms did you experience at onset?
Patients Breast cancer
What was your age and what initial symptoms did you experience at onset?
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 4:59 AM
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
Two years ago, my right nipple started bleeding. I am a very active person with an active job so I thought I had irritated it. I put a bandaid on it and just kept on moving. In retrospect, I realize I knew something was wrong but didn’t want to admit it. I just kept changing the bandaid. Even when it started itching, I kept denying that anything serious was going on. I was changing the bandage every day by now. Finally, on a visit to my dr on another matter, I casually mentioned my breast was itchy and bleeding. She looked at it and sent me for a mammogram. I was very fortunate because the mammography technician realized I needed a 3D and not a regular one. Then the dr on duty at the imaging center had me get an ultrasound. Turns out that there were other things going on in that breast. I had two biopsies, one on the nipple and one in the breast. It was Paget’s disease of the breast. I had a bilateral mastectomy two months later. I was 60 years old at the time. My advice is to always listen to your inner voice. You know your body best and denying and hoping something is wrong will not make it go away.
Last activity on 12/15/2023 at 3:50 AM
Joined in 2019
17 comments posted | 3 in the Breast cancer Forum
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I found a lump in my left breast a week after a mammogram. . I had cysts almost every time I had a mammogram but I never could feel them even after I knew where they were. I always had to have another test and they were never anything and just cost more to have a test I didn't need. I talked to my Dr. and told him about the lump and he pretty much said it was probably just a cyst. A year later the lump made me feel it was cancer and I went in and they asked if a had any concerns and I told them about the lump I had for a year & my Drs. reaction. They sent me on to a bigger hospital and I had a 3D mammogram and a ultrasound and then a biopsy. I had invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma in my left breast. I was 60. I already knew I wasn't going to have chemo or radiation and planned to go natural to try and beat it and no oncologists want anything to do with me. 3 of them saw me once and after telling me if I chose not to do their recommendation I would die. I told them we are all going to and if it's my time I would but I wasn't going to allow them to put an expiation date on me. They suggested I see a psychologist because I must be suicidal. I had known for years I wasn't going to do chemo or radiation if I ever got cancer, and I was no stranger to cancer. I lost my 39 yr old sister to ovarian cancer and spent every hospital stay with her. On my moms side their were 8 in her family and every family member had someone or more with different types of cancer, die. they ranged in age from 29-80. Ovarian, liver, lymphoma, throat, brain, breast, stomach, melanoma(not fatal), and lung. I don't know all the medical names for them. I don't regret my choice. I feel good, and if it's my time, I will be alright with that too.
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Lori HaldemanHaldeman
Last activity on 03/26/2025 at 6:01 AM
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21 comments posted | 6 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Before bc, I was in China with my 2 sister in laws, we were having a massage. The masseuse asked if we wanted our breasts massage. I was horrified, but then thought I would never get a chance to try that. She told me I needed to see a doctor cause she felt something. Came home, took 6 months to get a mamogram. Turned out it was lobular. We dont need mamograms just well trained chinese masseuses. And I should have been more agressive in insisting on a mamogram or went to an outside hmo provider. American cancer society says stage 1 has an almost 100% of being cured. I have to stop reading these blogs cause it is giving me more stress than I need. I think I am addicted to it. I am giving myself a gift for Christmas. Dont resd this stuff and donate the bresst cancer books to the support group. Anyone else agree? Happy Christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa and holidays. God Bless us all. Amen
Last activity on 12/15/2023 at 3:50 AM
Joined in 2019
17 comments posted | 3 in the Breast cancer Forum
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What are your biggest concerns now? Do you have a Dr. you feel comfortable? Are you seeing an oncologist? There are a lot of good articles out there but a lot of bad too. This is a site you can trust. I have invasive lobular and invasive ductal is yours in suit or invasive? It sounds like yours was caught early, so that's good. I'm sorry you had to wait so long for the mammogram, but now it's time to move on to the net steps. It sounds like you have gained info so what do you plan to do net? Have you got a second opinion, do you want one? Have you had surgery? I chose to not do chemo or radiation, and went more natural, also didn't do surgery, but no Dr. will agree with my choice or even see me as long as I don't agree to do the traditional treatments. I am not worried though because I believe I was given cancer for a reason and if I'm suppose to live, I will and if not I won't and who am I to question either of my Higher Power's choices. Everything will be alright either way. Just stop obsessing and stressing and make you choices. I believe you had that breast massage for a reason, you were suppose to find the lump. So have faith and get better. God bless, you are not alone and he doesn't make mistakes.
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Lori HaldemanHaldeman
Last activity on 12/31/2023 at 10:51 PM
Joined in 2018
1 comment posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
My warning sign was nipple pain. I thought it was due to my menstrual cycle. imI recommend going to the doctor. Also, suddenly i had a lump out of nowhere. I was 44 yrs old
Last activity on 03/23/2025 at 11:03 PM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
I have had mammographs every year since I can remember. I am now 82 and just had one. Cancer stage 1 estrogen produced. . Lymph nodes nothing. Nothing else bad. They wanted me to have radiation and medicine. I have a blind husband that I care for and at my age, I've decided to do nothing after my Lumpectomy. I have another mammograph this month 11/2022 and then we will see.
Last activity on 03/04/2023 at 10:36 AM
Joined in 2018
1 comment posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
I had no indications that I had cancer …
I can tell u one important thing …Not to do
Do not let a doctor give u hormone shots !!!
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Last activity on 08/30/2023 at 10:12 PM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Breast cancer Forum
@TeresaRogge Hello Teresa - My doctor is suggesting hormone therapy - I thought it was by a daily pill - did you have that option? If they do suggest a shot - what was the results? Breast cancer is my 2nd cancer. My first was fallopian tube. I was diagnosed the first time June 2021 and September 2022 for the second cancer. I has been a challenge - I just want to look in the mirror and see me again.
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Last activity on 12/23/2022 at 12:59 PM
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4 comments posted | 4 in the Breast cancer Forum
I am 70. I noticed my right breast had suddenly gotten larger. Reported this to my gp. Was told let's do a wait and see. My last mammogram previous Oct. Came back ok. Size went down in a short time. Then in JulyI found blood on my left nipple. I couldn't get a mammogram until Sept. When I saw the scans I knew I was in trouble. Had an ultrasound also. Calcifications in entire left breast. Suspicious areas in right.
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Last activity on 03/27/2025 at 5:57 PM
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559 comments posted | 9 in the Breast cancer Forum
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Hello everyone!
How are you today?
To mark the beginning of Pink October, let me go ahead and reopen this discussion.
Certain signs or changes, especially in the breasts, may indicate the presence of a tumour. These symptoms of breast cancer may vary and can sometimes be completely absent in the very early stages, but as it progresses, they become more apparent. Therefore, regular screening is necessary.
@nickolebackman @Rosie64 @Nanmarie @a_copley78 @ChristinaK @Heather73 @tracy_lynn @MindyMorris @misspancake @Tikabug @dztwwp @handsumque @msbham @Tuffgirlca @Ari768 @lesmarjan15 @Jhinx7 @leilael @StacyT @Olivia123 @JanieGurl @clucas913 @MaryP21 @MrsCarr11 @Inès_ra_us198 @peanuzts @ChristinaG @KHFAMDOC @tfriel @Sears22 @cshoffstall @Aharju @Lasocalblue @skwiden @Lill55 @mendozatamila @Mama312 @Grantie @LuluLang @lemonpye2011 @Katie91821 @KyLakeGirl @BimBim5 @Justangiee15 @Missyg @CCherich @Lori09 @gg2222 @Clopez @SugarCub3 @Klreplogle @sherianne69 @ohnoagain @BevSpicer @Griffithdm @DarPerrotta @Lizabeth @jeangilmorej @Janetmaday
What were the first signs of your breast cancer? How was it detected? Can you share your story?
Feel free to comment below and have a beautiful day,
Somya from the Carenity team
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Somya from the Carenity team
Last activity on 03/26/2025 at 6:01 AM
Joined in 2018
21 comments posted | 6 in the Breast cancer Forum
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i was 68, at surgery the 1st oncologist mentioned my age and i was wondering who she was talking about. I had no symptoms, took 9 months to get mamogram. previous mamogram were ok, and said i had dense breasts. No one explained it - my pcp didn't know either. they called me back 3 times for more x-rays, i did not even think i had lobular breast cancer. IF YOU HAVE DENSE BREAST YOU NEED ADDITIONAL TESTS- MRI - SONOGR AM! Some group should sue the health care people and insurance companies for deceiving us by saying our mammograms were ok and then telling us we have dense breasts as required by law and not telling us what that means!
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@Courtney_J I am getting very nervous and scared because the surgery is July 13, 2021. My parents both died this year so I dont have them to talk to. My mom died on Feb 16, 2021 with a sickness she was suffering for 18 months so i was dealing with that for the last months and then my dad had a major stroke 3 weeks after my mom passed away and he could no longer go back to his assistance living so we had to find a nursing home. We found one he was only in there 3 weeks and then he passed away on May 6, 2021. Right after all that I was diagnosed with cancer so I have been on a train that is non-stop. I feel like I am so tried out and I dont have much energy left. My sisters are not helpful they keep telling me just pray. They both got to take 2 weeks vacation after my mom and dad passed away. I have not even had time to take a breather I am just on the train of bad luck. That is how I am feeling.
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@Courtney_J I am getting very nervous and scared because the surgery is July 13, 2021. My parents both died this year so I dont have them to talk to. My mom died on Feb 16, 2021 with a sickness she was suffering for 18 months so i was dealing with that for the last months and then my dad had a major stroke 3 weeks after my mom passed away and he could no longer go back to his assistance living so we had to find a nursing home. We found one he was only in there 3 weeks and then he passed away on May 6, 2021. Right after all that I was diagnosed with cancer so I have been on a train that is non-stop. I feel like I am so tried out and I dont have much energy left. My sisters are not helpful they keep telling me just pray. They both got to take 2 weeks vacation after my mom and dad passed away. I have not even had time to take a breather I am just on the train of bad luck. That is how I am feeling.
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Articles to discover...

10/09/2023 | Testimonial
Paget's disease of the nipple: "Don't let waiting for a diagnosis deplete your reserves!"
Medication fact sheets - patient opinions...
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Last activity on 04/03/2020 at 5:04 PM
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1,337 comments posted | 25 in the Breast cancer Forum
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One of the main concerns associated medical illnesses / conditions, is understanding and acknowledging the warning signs / early symptoms that should cause one to seek medical advice - the earlier the better.
With breast cancer, a common warning sign is sharp pain or a lump with tenderness in the breast. However, each person may have varying warning signs / symptoms that induce them to see a doctor.
We would love to hear from our members related to this experience:
What was your age when you first experienced warning signs / onset?
What were the initial warning signs / symptoms at onset that made you seek medical advice?
Is there anything you would recommend to others?