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Looking for some support and uplifting conversations
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Last activity on 05/23/2022 at 8:24 PM
Joined in 2021
45 comments posted | 25 in the Depression Forum
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I've had.many coping skills mostly like doing yard work or nature walks I do diamond painting they help me get through some struggling times of loneliness
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Good advisor
Last activity on 01/24/2023 at 2:12 PM
Joined in 2019
74 comments posted | 49 in the Depression Forum
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Something I started doing during COVID that really cheered me up was calling my grandma every week. She doesn't live close to me and with COVID I wasn't able to see her often and setting a day and time where I call her gave us both something to look forward to. She's one of my biggest cheerleaders and sees me as more than my depression and is (somehow) proud of me through it all. It's helped me get closer to her and learn more about her and her childhood and everything and she loves hearing about what I'm up to, even if it hasn't been much in the past year. We don't even talk about depression or anything, just about anything, the birds in the trees or what we watched on TV yesterday.
If you have someone in your life who you can get it in touch with, especially someone older, definitely do it and reach out. It does so much good.
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Last activity on 07/20/2021 at 7:53 PM
Joined in 2020
5 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
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@Courtney_J I genuinely can’t remember things that I was passionate about. It seems as though I have been depressed a majority of my life but I do remember how I used to enjoy creative things such as writing, drawing, painting etc but I have not enjoyed any of those activities in years... sadly, I currently don’t have any passions. I have thoughts about drawing again but I need to buy supplies and I am already tight with money so I no longer spend money on ‘leisure’ unless those items help to physically improve myself ... I would now rather spend money on things such as makeup so that I can feel better day by day about my appearance ... I also think about videography but I would need a quality camera... things that I used to see as my passions are expensive and they seem like chores now.
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Raspberry Maryanne
Last activity on 06/02/2023 at 3:36 AM
Joined in 2021
3 comments posted | 3 in the Depression Forum
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Last activity on 02/03/2022 at 5:03 PM
Joined in 2021
25 comments posted | 25 in the Depression Forum
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I like to do artwork , gardening and reading spiritual books . Also I have two cats to cuddle up with . My wife and daughter are supportive also . Been on medication my whole life for depression . Am pretty together most of the time . Am here to support everyone in their journey to heal .
Last activity on 12/17/2021 at 2:45 PM
Joined in 2021
5 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
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Hanging to hope and trying to be optimistic! How does any of this work?
Last activity on 12/04/2022 at 5:24 PM
Joined in 2021
9 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
I admit I’ve been drinking. I feel like my fiancé sees me as a glorified babysitter and I’m beginning to get really pissed. I’m an affectionate person but every time I try to pursue physical contact the reaction I get makes me feel stupid. I’m tired of this. I love her more than life but she makes me feel like an inconvenience that must be tolerated. I’m tired of feeling like a burden
Not sure what to do. I’ve not been much of a contributor to this forum. Seems like all I do is complain. I think I deserve better. Probably need to sober up
Last activity on 01/29/2022 at 2:52 AM
Joined in 2021
7 comments posted | 6 in the Depression Forum
Hi guys. I just joined, and I'm having horrible episodes of anxiety and depression... Much more often recently. I need someone to talk to who can listen and just... Be a human and talk back with me. :( I have a strong Christian faith, and I need some extra support to help supplement the prayers. I know God can and does put people in positions to help others. I feel like everyone (my own mother and my in-laws) hates me. There's a story there, not just random feelings. I don't know if it's my anxiety, my depression... I feel like I've been trying to fit in with people my whole life and just feel... Different. Misunderstood. I don't even know if this will make sense to anybody, as I'm in tears at the moment. I have no friends anymore. I'm married and have kids, and the depression completely ruins my parenting. There's just... So much I could tell you all. If anyone feels like talking, it would be a lifesaver.
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Last activity on 01/29/2022 at 2:52 AM
Joined in 2021
7 comments posted | 6 in the Depression Forum
I understand this is unconventional. But I need a voice in regards to what I posted above. I'm not okay with a phone call yet... But if there's a female (I'm married) that could please help me with support... Please message me for my phone number to text me. I could use a friend who understands how hard this all is. Thanks guys.
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Good advisor
Last activity on 02/10/2025 at 7:59 PM
Joined in 2019
153 comments posted | 3 in the Depression Forum
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Writing is great, especially a diary. It's a perfect way to let off steam - it allows you to swear, "scream," and tear down people who are bothering you in one way or another, like a husband, a child, a neighbor . . . I've kept one for the past forty years (I'm now 80) and wish I had started sooner. In addition to that, find the beautiful things in life, in nature, because they far outnumber the bad - you just have to pay attention. They're things like children playing and laughing, a cat purring, a beautiful sunset, getting up early enough to watch the sun rise and hear the birds singing when they wake up, standing at the window watching the beauty of a thunder-and-lightening storm then smelling the fresh clean air after that storm, the aroma of newly-cut grass, watching squirrels scamper around gathering provisions for the winter, geese flying south for the winter and how they take turns being point in their V-formation, sand between your toes at the beach, the beauty of snowflakes during a gentle winter snowfall, the fury of the snow when the wind tosses it about and you don't see flakes any more just white pellets . . . Depression is a gawd-awful thing to have. I know from experience - I was hospitalized for it when I was 40. I was just lying in bed, not eating, not even getting up to go to the bathroom (yes, yuck!), and my husband at the time dragged me out of the house and brought me to the hospital. By that time I was completely out of it, not even knowing where I was, basically mute, so I was admitted to the Psychiatric Ward. I was lucky, though, I was assigned a smart and compassionate psychiatrist who avoided prescribing antidepressant drugs whenever possible and he didn't think I needed them. Also, his goal was to eventually bring his patients to the point that they didn't need him any more, and he definitely succeeded with me. The diary was his idea, paying attention to the good things in life and not dwelling on the bad was his idea, and for that I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
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Judith A Carlson
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Good advisor
Last activity on 11/07/2021 at 11:41 PM
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
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Just wanted to take a second to day hello, I’m looking for support and positive vibes during this crazy time. Had a PFO closure in 2018 and Been depressed every since. Lost my mom on Good Friday and really still haven’t mourned the way I need to, die to trying to stay strong for everyone else. Prayers for everyone and if I can ever help anyone please let me know. Look forward to uplifting conversations.