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COVID-19: How do you feel today?
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Last activity on 01/18/2025 at 1:04 AM
Joined in 2018
3 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
well I have about a week left of being in isolation due to contracting covid, the first week was miserable and other than cough and hack and sleep a lot, but this second week other than being alone and not really being able to go anywhere I have been symptom-free for just a bit under a week, can't wait to get back to class and work although I tend to be a loner I would like to just have someom=ne around and be able to go somewhere
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Last activity on 11/10/2024 at 9:04 PM
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32 comments posted | 7 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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very depressed 71 with COPD and still working were masking is not enforced at Walmart with hundreds of potentially sick customers in store it is awful to be considered essential

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Hello everyone,
I'm having a very hard time, I am a Realtor and have not worked with since March 1st, I live alone so it gets very hard not being able to get out and see people, I'm stressed because savings don't last forever and I was getting unemployment then after all these months they made me pay it all back so that put me in a very sad place, but trying to stay positive.

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Stay strong
Last activity on 07/07/2021 at 3:01 PM
Joined in 2019
5 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
If you know someone, in the field of scientific research, who wants to take charge of these ideas of mine and experiment on them, I am willing to have any kind of comparison about my topics
For years I have done extensive studies on nitrogen and I identified a lack in scientific research, as regards therapeutic experimentation with nitrogen.
The same researchers have admitted this lack but, in Italy, with the bureaucracy and the complicated rules that are there, it is not possible to go on.
Would your researchers and experimenters have the chance to develop and progress what is written in my report?
If it works, it would be useful for everyone. This, of course, if possible.
Thank you in advance and best regards.
Gianni Barindelli
To combat the viral pneumonia epidemic originating from a coronavirus that is developing in the east you could use the hyperbaric compressed air chamber.The viruses that originate the cold belong to three families: Rhinovirus, Coronavirus and Adenovirus. Colds are the allergic reaction to the presence of one or more of these viruses in the body: they are not dangerous viruses, with some exceptions such as Sars (Coronavirus) and the current viral pneumonia, always originating from a coronavirus. Doing a scuba dive with compressed air respirator, and with a cold, after the dive after a few tens of minutes, the cold will disappear. I think the nitrogen that enters the blood works on the structure of the virus by protein inhibition. The virologists who learned about my studies said that it has an excellent logical advantage and it is more than plausible, however, with the complicated regulations that are in Italy, in this country nothing can be done. You must place viral pneumonia patients for 20 minutes at a depth of 20 meters in a compressed air hyperbaric chamber. People with severe heart or kidney problems cannot be placed in the hyperbaric chamber. Even people who have had a break in the eardrum cannot enter it. After the treatment in the hyperbaric chamber it is not possible to get on planes even pressurized for at least 12 hours. On my facebook profile (Gianni Barindelli) there is my research report / proposal regarding virology, oncology, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Heavily constipated people cannot compensate with the nose, they will have to compensate with swallowing: the descent and the increase in pressure must be very slow, in the reason of 3/4 minutes every 10 meters of depth. In essence, to reach 20 meters, the operator will take 6 to 8 minutes to bring the hyperbaric chamber with operational compressed air.
It will be possible to provide the patient with candies that favor swallowing or simply water.
Hyperbaric chamber treatment of Covid-19 patientsPatients who need oxygen treatment can be placed in the hyperbaric chamber and breathe O2 up to 15 m deep. Then they will have to breathe the NITROX mixture (35% O2 and 65% N2) up to 30 m, for 20/25 min. In this way, an oxygenation higher than that obtained by treating the patient with pure oxygen at room pressure will be obtained and the nitrogen will enter the blood, where it will remain for a few hours, performing its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative action.The patient can be brought back to room pressure by breathing only NITROX.
Personal experience
Personally, I had an experience with regard to diving, which lasted more than 25 years, both for scuba diving and for assistance to scuba divers who went underwater.
I had known several divers who had previously had troublesome of herpes: what they had told me, since they had begun to practice scuba diving, they had noticed a complete remission of the disease.
Since I was a child, I realized that if I went scuba diving with a cold, when I came up from my dive, my cold would have disappeared. This experience repeated itself many times over the years, and I had heard other divers mention this phenomenon. None of us had an explanation, however. Before I was 30, for a period, I worked as a diver and noticed some interesting things: by diving frequently, my appetite and sleep improved.
Also, in some of my more aggressive colleagues, frequent dives seemed to reduce their aggressiveness. It was only after many years that I started to ask myself why these things happened while diving and I found their relationship to nitrogen.
Starting from the cold - which was certainly not a serious illness - though the cold virus is a very aggressive micro organism, and is more resistant than other, more letal, viruses.
Let’s not forget that all viruses have and oxidative protein component analogous to neoplasia.
Many viruses, starting from influenza, can open the door for tumors. By relating nitrogen with sleep, hunger, aggressiveness and nitrogen narcosis, I suspect that this gas has an important relationship with the biochemical processes of the brain.
The Fabrizio Cortellazzi Case
I met Fabrizio in 1985, shortly before beginning my work as a diver. At that time, my father was dying of cancer and when I spoke to Fabrizio about it, he became agitated and told me about his adventure: a few years before he had a tumor that brought him on the verge of dying. Desperate, and as traditional treatments had not worked, he turned to homeopathy, which was just starting in those days. Personally, I am diffident about homeopathy, which I consider to be a more refined version of a herbalist shop. A bland anti-inflammatory, an astringent is fine, but from that to claim that homeopathy can cure cancer?
It is a long shot. Fabrizio showed me his case history, as well as some photographs showing the state he was in. There was no doubt that he had had cancer.
But how was he healed? For many years it was right in front of me something he had told me and that I have never taken in consideration, “I went to the sea floor to harvest the seaweed they suggest I take. As soon as I got out of the water, I would eat them right away, raw. They tasted awful, but I felt better immediately, and now I’m cured”.
Of the fact that the seaweed helped heal his cancer, I have my doubts, but what about the nitrogen that entered his bloodstream while he was harvested the seaweed?
Nitrogen is an anti-oxidant, it could have worked as inhibitor in that terrible oxidation process which is cancer. This would have been more plausible, knowing fuòò well that “one swallow does not a summer make”.
Fabrizio had a linfoma.
The Hundred-Year old elders of Okinawa
On the Island of Okinawa, and in other surrounding islands, the lowest percentage of oxidative disorders in the world is present. In particular, on some islands inhabited by fishermen, the percentage is extremely low.
This phenomenon has been noticed since the 70s, but no-one has been able to give it a logical explanation. an essay found on the internet talked about, “Low stress levels, optimistic people, diets based on seaweed and raw fish”. My manners stop from commenting further. Just looking at a map, one can see that the island of Okinawa il the target island of the Amami Archipelago. These island have always been the centre for jewelry of sea dedicated to oyster farming: these farm are about 20m deep, take seven years to produce pearls and are taken care of by “ama fishermen”. Up to the end of the 40s, they swam down in apnea, then they began using compressed air hookahs.
Even at ust 20m deep a person cannot stay underwater for long.
This caused an alternation among local population. And how many of the hundred-yeas elders are women?
Here I present my thesis: at over 12 meters deep, nitrogen enters the bloodstream, a strong anti oxidatint, anti inflammatory, reducer of cellular reproduction. With frequent dives, if there are no heart problem, one could live to be over a hundred.
Besides the above-mentioned characteristics, there are other many known relationships between nitrogen and proteins, but nitrogen has been studied only regarding its ability at a cellular level. Hyperbaric medicine, seeing that nothing significant came from blood tests carried out on divers, abandoned all research, marking nitrogen as an “inert gas”, helium is also an inert gas, but it certainly does not have the same level of cellular action that nitrogen does. But it shouldn’t be taken for granted that something can’t be found out from blood tests on healthy individuals, which normal blood count levels. Also, excluding an air embolism, nitrogen is not a pathogenic agent, and a modest amount of this gas in the bloodstream, after a dive, might easily not be seen. I know that during dive the dominating gas in oxygen. The oxidation state increases, erythropoietin and other oxidative proteins, cellular reproduction increases and a sympathicoblastoma situation arises. This phenomenon only regards “compression”, Once the dive is finished, blood count levels return to normal, while nitrogen remains in the blood for hours, reaching all areas of the body. Nitrogen is then disposed of, after diving, through respiration.
This is the proposal I’m making researchers: bubble in a hyperbaric chamber 20m deep (or else the nitrogen will not dissolve) nitrogen in blood samples taken from people with cancer, with a well known tumor maker. The marker qualifies the oxidative proteins released by tumor cells. After the nitrogen repeat the marker. If the nitrogen was able to deactivate the oxidative proteins, we will have discovered the secrets of the elders in Okinawa, and, at the same time, will have opened door for a new and possibly powerful anti-oxidant therapy.Observations
Unfortunately, with the complicated regulations that exist in Italy, nothing can be done. Moreover, according to the criterion of hyperbaric medicine, nitrogen is an inert gas and is, therefore, useless.
And it is precisely in this, according to my opinion, that scientific research shows a great superficiality. The definition of inert gas is as follows:
inert gas is a gas that does not play an active role in combustion, essentially a gas that is neither fuel nor combustive.
Let’s try to send a scuba diver with compressed air breathing apparatus to a depth of 100 meters: nitrogen contained in high concentrations in the air (the air is composed of 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen) will cause him to enter a state of nitrogen narcosis.
If the nitrogen is able to act on the central nervous system and cause a state of narcosis, it means that it is not so inert.
If you dive with a cold, the cold will disappear in a very short time (other than inert gas!).
I had contacted in this regard a hyperbaric centre looking for an explanation of why the cold passes by diving with a breathing apparatus. The explanation was disconcerting: the micro droplets of brackish water entering the paranasal sinuses act as a decongestant and the problem is solved.
So I tried to free dive, that will say without the aid of a breathing apparatus, with a cold. I had free dived many times before, compensating the external pressure with the nose in such a way as to let some brackish water enter my paranasal sinuses.
As a result: the cold had continued its annoying action for several days.
This shows that what I had been told at the hyperbaric centre made no sense.
Thinking about it, the only thing that changes between breathing air at ambient pressure or underwater is the nitrogen that enters the blood.
The only logical explanation is that nitrogen works on the structure of the virus by protein inhibition. Hence the question: and if it also works for other viruses?
And what about the ultra-centenarians of Okinawa, all former divers?
Furthermore, in-depth experiments at cellular level have shown that nitrogen is a strong antioxidant, an excellent anti-inflammatory and slows down cellular development; three very important characteristics for a good anticancer therapy. If a substance has a certain effect at cellular level, it is assumed to have the same effect on an organic and therapeutic level.
There are, however, some problems: nitrogen is not soluble and does not dissolve in water, which is why pharmaceutical companies have not been able to prepare any kind of drug containing nitrogen. The only way to supply nitrogen is hyperbaric: either using a compressed air hyperbaric chamber or diving over twelve meters deep (even better 20 meters deep).
But when we enter the "compression" phase, oxygen dominates and it is not possible to experiment on sick people.
An acceptable compromise regarding leukaemia: leukaemia sufferers suffer from haemolysis and must undergo blood transfusions.
It would be possible to proceed in the following way: a diver, with blood group compatible with that of the patient, will make a dive with a compressed air breathing apparatus. The dive must be, as it is said in the jargon, “at the limit of the safety curve”, so as to enrich the blood of the diver / donor as much as possible with nitrogen.
The following diving times and depths must be achieved: 45 minutes at 20 metres depth, or 22/23 minutes at 30 metres depth, or 12/13 minutes at 40 metres depth.
The transfusion must be done in the minutes immediately following the dive. Nitrogen is disposed by breathing in the hours following the dive, therefore it is very important to transfuse the patient as soon as possible after the donor’s dive.
This system can be used with all cancer patients suffering from haemolysis, or from a significant reduction in red blood cells.
Being able to use a compressed air hyperbaric chamber, instead of the divers it will be possible to use normal voluntary donors, thus improving the number of available donors. To enter the hyperbaric chamber, however, the donor should not suffer from severe heart or kidney problems.
If, after these transfusions, the blood parameters will show improvements, confirming a reduction in the sedimentation rate of the C reactive protein and a decrease in the white blood cells, the patient can be placed in a compressed air hyperbaric chamber, at a simulated depth of 20 meters for 12/15 minutes, twice a day. The sessions in the hyperbaric chamber must take place at 5 / 6 hours apart from each other.
With these transfusions, the intake of nitrogen in the blood of the sick will not be high. It is advisable to do more than one transfusion per patient. However, one thing is certain that this type of transfusion is not absolutely dangerous.
Considering the characteristics of nitrogen (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) and since the tumours are oxidative diseases, why not try?
It would be interesting to use the compressed air hyperbaric chamber even in the most diverse viral forms, without prejudice, of course, to the use of traditional antiviral drugs.
Furthermore, it would be interesting to start an experimentation regarding Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease; both these diseases have, in fact, as pathogenic agent particular types of oxidative proteins. Treating patients suffering from these terrible diseases even with the help of the compressed air hyperbaric chamber could be useful.
Finally we must consider anti-inflammatories: nitrogen is an excellent anti-inflammatory without any side effects. Serious inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus could be treated with the compressed air hyperbaric chamber.
Another interesting test, which I do not know has ever been done, would be to recruit a dozen volunteers between 40 and 60 years and get them a blood sample to quantify all the proteins present in their blood (protein content test). It would also be useful to do the melatonin test, I’ll explain why.
Once these blood samples have been taken, the volunteers will be placed in a compressed air hyperbaric chamber for 30 to 40 minutes at a simulated depth of 20 meters, corresponding to a pressure of 2 bar, for a duration of 10 days.
Then the blood tests are repeated to see where the nitrogen went to work.
I also recommend doing the melatonin test for the following reason: melatonin is a neurotransmitter produced by the pineal gland and, among its various functions, melatonin regulates the quality of sleep. Frequent dives increase the quality of sleep significantly. Perhaps nitrogen acts on the pineal gland fostering the production of melatonin.
In tumour diseases, melatonin parameters fall dramatically.
It would be interesting to do the research also on all the neurotransmitters: if the treatment with compressed air hyperbaric chamber should show a certain increase of acetylcholine and dopamine, this would confirm that, using the hyperbaric chamber with compressed air even occasionally, one could avert the onset of diseases such as alzheimer's disease and parkinson's disease.
I point out that the use of the complex air hyperbaric chamber, to enrich the nitrogen organism, must be done using the hyperbaric chamber over 12 meters deep simulated, better still reaching 18-20 meters.
The hyperbaric chamber was originally born with pure oxygen. However, it has proved to be very dangerous for the risk of oxygen self-decay.
Nowadays the compressed air hyperbaric chamber is used: patients breathe pure oxygen through a mask connected to an oxygen cylinder positioned outside the hyperbaric chamber and connected to it by an appropriate fitting.
However, the use of the hyperbaric chamber has always been intended for oxygen therapy.
No one has ever deigned to use the hyperbaric chamber with compressed air as an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory.
At a simulated depth of 20 meters, corresponding to a pressure of 2 bar, nitrogen dissolves very rapidly and dissolves in the blood, spinal cord and skin.
In short: an experimental protocol should be started for leukaemia, lymphoma and melanoma, viruses of all kinds, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, without neglecting the anti-inflammatory forms of any kind, starting from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus.
I speak, of course, only about compressed air hyperbaric chambers and compressed air breathing apparatuses. Breathing systems with pure oxygen, nitrox, mixtures of helium and oxygen, and oxygen-hydrogen must not be used. These breathing systems, in fact, can give rise to very serious health problems: necrosis of the head of the femur, bone fragility, loss of teeth, and can predispose the organism to oxidative diseases in general.
It may seem paradoxical, but this relationship has its own logic.
Veterinary experimentation
It is an experimentation that requires the collaboration of a veterinarian, an expert transfusion
doctor and a hyperbaric doctor.
It will be necessary to recover a medium or large sized dog with a tumor.
I'm not talking about contaminating a dog and making it sick, it's clear, just getting a dog already sick.
The animal will be sedated and a quantity of 100-200 cubic centimeters of blood will be collected, which will be additivated with the right quantity of anticoagulant.
This blood sample will be placed in a pressure-resistant vessel and will be equipped with an
overpressure valve set at 2-3 atmospheres.
Compressed air added with nitrogen will be bubbled in the blood sample in order to enrich it with nitrogen. Once this is done the container will be decompressed and the blood will be re-introduced into the dog's bloodstream. When the blood has almost completely entered the blood system, another blood will be extracted from another vein and proceeded as it was done with the first blood sample. And so on until at least half of the sick animal's blood has been treated.
The analyzes carried out in the following days will tell us if the nitrogen, a powerful antioxidant, has managed to do something positive.
It will be possible to proceed, using this technique, even with animals suffering from viral diseases: after a few weeks from the treatment, the antiviral tests will inform us if there has been a decrease in the antibodies developed by the virus in question.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention.
See my facebook page
Mr. Gianni Barindelli
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Last activity on 12/20/2020 at 8:05 PM
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I find myself getting down because I cannot work due to my depression/anxiety. Being unable to really go out is hard too. I already have a very small circle of friends and I frequently get the urge to start drinking to pass the time away
Last activity on 12/20/2020 at 8:05 PM
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Merry Christmas to All
Last activity on 01/06/2025 at 2:15 AM
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I am just grateful that my young adult kids are getting over Covid.. thankfully with mild symptoms.. Christmas will be a social distant event in our home this year ... ❤️
Last activity on 05/06/2021 at 4:58 PM
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I had to go to an appointment at the local hospital where, as a cancer patient (neuroendocrine carcinoma), I've spent a good deal of time over the last 16 months. I immediately noticed that things were much more relaxed. I didn't see a single security officer waiting to pounce on me if I was the least bit out of line. That, in turn, relaxed me. I'm grateful.

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Hello everyone,
I've opened this discussion so we can share our state of mind during this period of isolation!
Let's come here everyday to share how we're feeling!
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If we come together as a community and support one another, the time will fly by!
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